Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Doing Work in Real Life

A huge part of what we do during the non-summer months is travel the country interviewing college students to work at Kanakuk next summer. This week Ward and Beth will be at Oklahoma State and the University of Oklahoma while Todd and I (Lindsay) will be at Texas A&M and Baylor.

Yesterday I walked into a coffee shop in College Station and saw this...

This is our Komo staff tank from this summer. One of our sweet counselors just happened to be at the same coffee shop I came to, and she was prepping for the Bible study she leads here. This week's topic includes sharing the Gospel!

It's easy to think about our staff in the kamp setting. It's also easy to forget they are living regular lives on their campuses daily. If you think about it, pray for our staff as they live out and share the Gospel as college students. This was a fun scene to stumble upon. Our staff is doing work both inside the gates of kamp and outside of them!

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