Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Doing Work in Real Life

A huge part of what we do during the non-summer months is travel the country interviewing college students to work at Kanakuk next summer. This week Ward and Beth will be at Oklahoma State and the University of Oklahoma while Todd and I (Lindsay) will be at Texas A&M and Baylor.

Yesterday I walked into a coffee shop in College Station and saw this...

This is our Komo staff tank from this summer. One of our sweet counselors just happened to be at the same coffee shop I came to, and she was prepping for the Bible study she leads here. This week's topic includes sharing the Gospel!

It's easy to think about our staff in the kamp setting. It's also easy to forget they are living regular lives on their campuses daily. If you think about it, pray for our staff as they live out and share the Gospel as college students. This was a fun scene to stumble upon. Our staff is doing work both inside the gates of kamp and outside of them!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Wedding!

On September 10th, Allen Befort and Meg Beasley got married!

Allen worked at K-West for 11 summers. He started as Ward and Beth's kid sitter, was then a counselor and went on to serve for years on the leadership team. He now works as the student and college pastor at The Church at Arkansas in Fayetteville.

Meg was at K-West for three summers as a counselor and a ropes girl. The two met at kamp and the rest is history.

The reunion of kamp people was unbelievable. Here are some fun kamp names who were in attendance: the Wiebe family, Pete and Bekah Majors, Austin and Danielle Ochs, Matt Thomas, Erin Groth, Christi Florida, Allison Benage, Allison Beene, Lindsay Rother, Cameron and Melissa Sparks, B Hill, Dru Hill, Savannah Hill...I could go on and on, but the point here is how fun reuniting with kamp friends can be. Kamp friendships are based on the solid foundation of Christ. Don't ever take these relationships for granted.

Allen and Meg, congratulations!!! We were honored to get to celebrate with you, work with you for several years and we look forward to many more years of friendship with you guys and the K-West family!

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Miss the Most

It's September. September means several things. School. Football. Fall. September also means no kamp. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.....

While you're missing kamp, we want to do our best to keep us connected all year long! K-West is kind of like a family.

So, what do you miss the most about kamp?! Comment to let us know but also to see what all your friends are missing!

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