Friday, July 22, 2011


At K-West, our Kampers get to make their own schedules. We love letting our Kampers experience the sports and activities they want to as they get older and more specialized in their endeavors. Within that, Kampers get to choose from a range of electives including blobbing, aqua skipping, trampoline, archery, kayak, sail and so much more. They also get to choose their specialty which they attend between 1 and 3 times a day. These include the more mainstream sports. Boys can choose from baseball, soccer, tennis, basketball, football, triathlete and adventure while girls get dance, cheer, basketball, tennis, volleyball, soccer, triathlete and all-around. It's fun to come alongside your Kampers in their athletic endeavors, and we have a ton of fun in the process!





We look forward to several more days of coaching your kids in their sports!

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